Taylor Performing Arts Center, Monrovia, CA
Sunday May 5, 2019 @ 5:00 PM
$50 VIP seating, $25 General seating
Email Jawahar: jawahar111@yahoo.com

Call to Action

Dear supportive reader,

Many of us have migrated here in USA for further education and better future for the family and to accomplish many of our goals and missions. One of our goals was to educate our children and show them the direction to succeed. We are fortunate to fulfill our dream and our children and our friends ‘children are on their path of success. Many of you have climbed your corporate ladder and did extremely well which make us proud Indians.

One of the missions I am pursuing is to support poor and helpless people in India by offering free ophthalmological services which in return give them a better life to support their family. Since last 11 years, I have been working with an eye hospital in Dwarka, Rama Charitable Arogyadham which provides free ophthalmological services to poor people in Dwarka and surrounding villages in the State of Gujarat. We offer them free eye examination, eye glasses and cataract surgery to any needy people. Every year more people are learning about this facility and taking advantage of these services.

These became possible because many Indian parents and their children are donating money as well as they are participating in fund raising activities here in Southern California. By your donation, we are giving them a gift of vision; we are then making these individuals to support their families. One cataract surgery here in USA may cost thousands of dollars, however, it costs $50 at this eye hospital. By donating $500, you are giving a gift of vision to 10 individuals, you are bringing smile on their faces. Every year or two on my trip to India, I visit the hospital and see that every patient gets the treatment without any money.  If you think, you would like to do something to eradicate blindness of many people, join me and others by donating generously for this cause. You can make your tax deductible contribution to the Society for Rural Assistance to India and mail your check to Jawahar P. Shah. Please email or call me for the various options to donate.

We will be staging a dance drama show on May 5, 2019 at the Louis Taylor Performing Arts Center in Monrovia, CA to raise funds for the hospital. If you have additional questions or need more information, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you.
Jawahar P. Shah

Tel: (626) 285-2484